Milestones Katie Crosby Milestones Katie Crosby

When do babies start talking?

As a pediatric occupational therapist working with infants and toddlers in early intervention, this is a common question. I am constantly hearing questions about: Is my little on track, where are they developmentally, and most importantly - what can we do to promote early communication?

The best part of my work is empowering parents to understand their child’s development in a broad view versus focusing on specific skills here and there. Here are 5 tips to enjoy your little while they’re working on one of the most highly anticipated developmental milestones - first words and early conversation.

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Milestones Katie Crosby Milestones Katie Crosby

Promoting Communication in Littles

Focusing on imitating movements with your Littles - silly face games, watching each other’s facial expressions, pointing to things in the environment - is the perfect way to encourage a broad range of foundational communication skills.

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