Living who we are

I spend my days with littles - problem solving, interacting, and diving into and out of tough moments with kids and families, and there isn’t a single day that I’m not all kinds of thankful I get to do what I do. The growth is in the quiet joy, the mess, all of it.
I changed careers from the business world years ago and will forever fully encourage anyone with the urge to make a big life maneuver. There is nothing like loving what you do, all. Make the moves, then trust the process. If you don’t love your work now, trust that exactly where you are will give you some crazy wisdom in contrast later. It is a true gift to experience both.
It pains me to know there are brilliant works, inventions, and resolutions out there in others because we humans are primed to care what others/society thinks and adjust our behavior and words accordingly. Nothing - not circumstance, not lack of talent, lack of wealth, lack of intelligence, holds us back more than our stories about ourselves and what we “cannot do.”
I believe in curiosity, exploration, freedom, unspoken truths, authenticity, and consistent playfulness for littles and all of us throughout life.
Here’s to living who we making it count.
#fridayintroductions [Yes I know it’s Saturday, but I’ve never liked to follow the rules✨✨✨]




Just "being" is sometimes all we need to grow